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Art at the Port

Drogheda Port Company has had a long history supporting the Arts and continues to do so through a myriad of  creative art commissions and project collaborations. It is both proud and honoured to have worked with such a range of local talented artists and community groups who have over the years created unique and stunning works through a variety of art mediums. One theme throughout is our maritime focus and promoting both our ports soft values and the towns trading and maritime roots. Drogheda has always been a cosmopolitan outward looking town with worldwide trading links. Below are some of our projects and collaborations.



The Mall Buoy

‘The 'Mall Buoy' is a decommissioned maritime marker buoy which saw service on the Irish coast for many decades in the last century and is traditionally painted starboard green. This buoy now offers itself as a very unique and public canvas and has been brightening up the Mall area of the port since it was first placed there. Over the years Drogheda Port Company has creatively collaborated with several artists, community groups and charities to transform the Buoy into a stunning visual piece capturing hearts and smiles of passers-by. We would like to acknowledge the ongoing support of  Murtaghs of Drogheda.  


The Stowaway Sessions @ Drogheda Port

The port hosted a series of unique concerts over the years 2016-2019 on board the Tall Ship Earl of Pembroke. The concerts were held in conjunction with the Droichead Arts Centre and curated by SJ McArdle and Adrian Taaffe. These small intimate gigs headlined a range of Irish Acts, Steve Wickham, Declan O Rourke, The Lost Brothers, Kern, The Carolan Brothers, Heathers and Eve Belle.

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The Purple Sessions @ Drogheda Port

Drogheda Port hosted a series of unique concerts over the years 2016-2019 on a specially constructed waterside stage at the Ballast Quay in the Port, under the shadow of the boyne viaduct.  The Purple Sessions were curated by Gerry Hodgins of “The Purple Sessions” in Boyle’s of Slane,  who transformed the Ballast Quay stage into a rocking musical feast for its audience.  The purple sessions showcased some of the finest up-and-coming talent including Áine Cahill, Red Empire, Katie Gallagher, Chelseas Nolan, Moon Looks On, Accidents in the Workplace, Fuzz Gigolo, Jack and the Darling Ones,  Davina Brady and many more.

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