Saturday 28th January 2023 saw the return of the Sail Training Ireland Annual Awards event at the Mansion House in Dublin. The annual awards recognise excellence, achievement and outstanding contribution in the sailing community at all levels. The Drogheda Sail Training Bursary has been a central element in the award ceremony for a number of years and special recognition awards are made to Drogheda Trainees who participated in the local scheme.
Two specially commissioned perpetual trophies are awarded each year at the prestigious award ceremony. The Lord Mayor of Dublin Ms. Caroline Conroy was in attendance among other regional and national dignitaries to mark the occasion.
The 2022 trainees included young people from residential care homes, Garda Diversion Projects, Sea Scouts, Youth and Community groups and Secondary Schools, drug rehabilitation programmes, asylum seekers and immigrants and young people with visual, hearing and physical impairments from across the island of Ireland.
Two award recipients were local teens, Martin Ward of the Rainbows Project, Drogheda and Conor Roberts, St. Mary’s CBS, Drogheda. Nessa Lally from Drogheda Port Company presented the winners with a perpetual trophy for ‘Outstanding Trainee’ on their respective voyages as part of the 2022 Drogheda Sail Training Bursary. Martin voyaged on the Brian Boru, while Conor sailed on the Pelican of London. Both trainees displayed remarkable resilience and never refused a chance to acquire new skills and gain a greater self-belief.
Sail Training Ireland’s chairman Seamus Mc Loughlin singled out the ‘Drogheda Sail Training Bursary’ as the very first regional sail training scheme, which since 2013 has funded over 150 local trainees to participate in sail training voyages and bring a positive focus back to the maritime town of Drogheda and its famous River Boyne. The success of the Drogheda Bursary scheme is down to the strong and continued support of the valued sponsors, who are; Irish Cement, Fast Terminals Ireland, Louth County Council and Drogheda Port Company.
The Drogheda Sail Training Bursary programme for 2023 is now open, voyages are open to 18-23 year olds from any nominating schools, youth or community groups, diversion projects and others. If you are seeking a life changing experience and think you could benefit from this wonderful opportunity please get in touch.
Further information can be obtained from;
Nessa Lally, Drogheda Port Company, 041 983 8378, nessalally@droghedaport.ie
Sindy Offer, Sail Training Ireland, 01 8559597, info@sailtrainingireland.com