Fiddle Case Pier is the new maritime access to the Boyne Valley and located within the historic town centre of Drogheda. Wander through time, ancient gates and walls, sacred sites, battlegrounds and big houses, family fun, culture, adventure and nightlife.
Fiddle Case Pier
A new dedicated yacht mooring was developed in 2017 and since its opening at the 2017 Drogheda Port Maritime Festival it has welcomed adventurers from near and far.
Leisure Craft in Drogheda
On the north side of the river, 400mts upstream of the Boyne Viaduct and past the commercial shipping quays a new dedicated yacht mooring, the Fiddle Case Pier was developed in 2017. The 40mtr pier is an open pile structure with vertical timber fenders at 3mtr centres and access ladders designed for yachts and small leisure craft. Potable water is available on the pier, but no power.

Guide to Port Entry for Fiddle Case Pier
Charts BA 44 & 1431
Communications: VHF Channel 11 when vessels are expected (3hrs before HW to 1hr after HW) Drogheda Port Company: +353 41 9838378 (Mon – Fri 0900-1630hrs) email: maritimehouse@droghedaport.ie Harbourmaster: +353 86 3586672