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Parking at Drogheda Port
Drogheda Port Company’s Private Pay & Display Area operates from Monday to Sunday inclusive 8am to 8pm.
Our hourly rate is €1.30 per hour in our short stay car park. Alternatively motorists may use our long stay car park for €1.30 per hour for up to 4 hours or €4 for an entire day.
Short Stay customers can pay for their parking by either coin or card at any of our 3 Short Stay Meters, while Long Stay customers can pay for up to 5 days parking at a time at either of our 2 Long Stay Meters.
The minimum purchase at our meters is €1.30. The non display of a valid parking ticket could result in a fine being issued or a vehicle being clamped.
Paying a Fine
Drogheda Port Company can accept full fine payments by post in the form of cheque, bankdraft or postal order made payable to Drogheda Port Company and accompanied by the fine number and vehicle registration. These should be posted to;
Drogheda Port Company
Parking Section
Harbourville, Mornington Road
Co. Meath.
Alternatively credit/laser card payments can be accepted by calling 041-9838378 Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm.
Appealing a Fine
If you believe that your vehicle has been fined in error please complete the form below and submit it along with photographs of relevant meter tickets.
Please note that submission of an appeal does not guarantee that a fine will be cancelled and the decision of Drogheda Port Company will be final.
Parking a Vehicle with No Valid Ticket Displayed |
Parking a Vehicle in Place Prohibited |
In this case please submit an image of the parking disc which was purchased or was in the process of being purchased when the fine was issued. If you did not have a ticket on display, but still believe that your vehicle was fined in error, please set out why no ticket was on display or being purchased when your vehicle was fined. | Please note that under no circumstances is parking/set-down on double yellow lines or on yellow boxes permitted. |
Disabled Driver Appeals
Drogheda Port Company currently provide a number of designated disabled parking bays within its private car park strictly for vehicles displaying a valid Disabled Drivers’ Association of Ireland Card. Vehicles displaying a valid Card are permitted to use these designated bays free of charge. If the designated bays are occupied or if the card holder uses a regular bay for any reason parking is not free of charge.
If a card holder has a query as to why their vehicle has been fined an appeal may be made by completing the Appeal Form and submitting a clear and legible image of both sides of the card used when the vehicle was fined.